I'm starting to think having a "written" segment was kind-of a bad idea.
Earlier, I said this was a bi-weekly segment, but I've decided it should be an ongoing one. In any case, I'm pleased to announce that I've finished a couple of rather important goals. On the other hand, I'm sad to announce that I'm still hanging on hooks to know how they went over.
I also remembered that the final page of the script I worked from last time ended with the charming illustration you see within this blog. For some reason, I could only upload five and since this was just a splash page, it wasn't worth fretting over; but it's found a home in today's entry.
The troll was my design.
Now. Onto Superman. First and foremost, there are some people in the world who just bash on the character any chance they get. For years, it pissed me off. Should I piss and moan, "oh, if only they did this and that, everyone would like him," then I just realized: hey! If they can't see how important the character is and feel this incessant need to bash him with these dumb clichés we've heard a billion times (he's too powerful, he's a boy scout, whatever...) then I've just decided that it's best to quote one of my dear friends from a certain message board who said this unto someone who criticized the acting of Brandon Routh.
I hope a monkey rapes you and you get AIDS.