I can't remember if I ever uploaded this to the blog, but it's the inks for a Star Wars mock cover I did to go along with some pencil samples I did that were my little reenactment of the end of Empire Strikes Back. I thought about taking the logo, banner, thing that goes in the corner (where they'd have a little Luke or C3P0 and R2D2 like comics used to) and just treat it as if Star Wars was a regular comic book series.
In the pencil samples (which, in retrospect, aren't that great, but I was proud of them at the time), I didn't go for a super-duper likeness of Mark Hammil, but tried to make him more of a Peter Parker type with a rather lanky body. More importantly, I wanted to adorn this cover with captions that say things like, "WHAT STARTLING REVELATION DOES THE DEMONIACAL DARTH VADER HAVE IN STORE FOR US!?!" and "WILL LUKE SKYWALKER BECOME AN AGENT OF THE DARK SIDE!?!"
Then would come the question of whether I wanted to treat it with affection or more of a satirical look when it comes to the coloring: should I go old school and do all of this by hand or do it in Photoshop? Should I have a desaturated cool scheme, or Make Mine Marvel with a red background and a blue Vader? I never found the answers, and really, that's that.
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