Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Written Wednesdays

I just realized I never posted anything on this last Monday. I really just forgot, but part of that may be because I'm working on a number of projects, and yet, none of them are ready to see the light of day. That being the case, I'm starting a new "tradition" or whatever: Written Wednesdays. This'll focus more on my thoughts or perhaps even writings.

The first thing I just have to bring up is the fate of Ashella. Well, to be honest, I realized that I simply wasn't ready for my own weekly webcomic. I mean, the art just wasn't happening and part of that's because I'd find myself rushing because it was in the midst of working on other projects. The first one came out all right, but the rest of them kinda sucked.

The good news is that I do plan to resurrect the character in minicomic form. Yeah, I'll be "retreading" her origin (and retooling it somewhat) but really, that's what Siegel & Shuster did in the early days of Superman when the character was originally intended for newspaper strips, then that story was reworked to fit a comic book, THEN reworked again when they DID put the character into the strips one year after AC#1 came out.

That said, I can't promise when the book will commence production because...

I am working on some other projects, but I can't say too much about them. All I can say is that while I'm illustrating a project for a fledgling publisher, I'm also juggling some things for cold submissions. This is, yes, another reason Ash isn't flying anymore. Admittedly it's frustrating because I've been looking forward to certain projects and yet want to complete others first, but that's comic biz, I guess.

Finally, as mentioned I do volunteer work at the Cartoon Art Museum. I don't know how much I can say about it but I learned of an exhibit that is tentatively scheduled for--I think--sometime this summer. I can't say word one about it so far, but as it comes more into fruition, I'll hope to blog about it some more.

Okay, let's hope I can still get this in before I have to change it to Thinking Thursdays.

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