Friday, December 30, 2011

Roxy Revells

Here are the penciled pages from a project I'm doing on speculation. This will most likely be done between whatever other gigs I have. Whether I ink, color or letter it, or someone else does, I haven't quite decided. I just felt it was time for my vision to come into fruition and for me to tell the kind of science fiction story that I'd like to see. I think it's time for a story that has the action of a Star Wars, but with the yearning to ask questions that Star Trek does. Whether or not this accomplishes any of that is up to you, but I kinda wanted to do this.

As for my plans to release my minicomic that was supposed to be a superheroine version of Cinderella, well, I was just never happy with the art and I felt that the 8-page format was restricting me. Why I felt I needed it to be just eight pages is one question I can't answer, but the point is, I'm not sure I can answer anything about it because I just wasn't happy with it. Consider it "shelved" but if I find a page I was happy with, I might post it at a later time. I was also never happy with the art (especially the lettering) of the web-version I created, though I'm open to the idea of "rebooting" it, so long as I can simply tell the "further adventures" of Vicky/Ashella without retelling the story I had. I'm currently considering making it essentially a daily strip but with a weekly schedule, if that makes sense.

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