Also, I wanted to respond to criticisms of DC Comics' New 52. The Comics' Alliance had a piece on how the sales were supposedly so disappointing and how not enough women are reading them.
While I have my theories--including too much writing for the trade--I'm not sure the sales were so bad, but also, I didn't expect it to grab too many female readers. Most female readers of comics I know (remember: I said "most") are more into edgy, alternative comics and probably wouldn't be all that interested even if I prevailed upon them that a book like, say, Batgirl had a three-dimensional female lead and they agreed it was "pretty good" from reading a random issue.
As for women who actually like superheroes, most of them--from my mom to, like, 90% of women I went to high school with--they normally won't read many comics. My mom certainly "likes" Superman, but I just don't think she's gonna get in the habit of reading the ongoing series. Sorry, just ain't gonna happen. She did read the Castle graphic novel, but that was her first since Dennis the Menace's Hawaiian Vacation.
Someone else opined on what their problem was with DCNU, but in response, all I can say is...

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